Buy gold

Why invest in gold?

Gold currency, like other commodities, can be an exciting and profitable way to invest your money. Certainly the increased popularity of gold has enjoyed in the last few years shows no sign of dipping anytime soon. In fact, most experts agree that gold is nowhere near its peak and there is still large sums of money to be made by investors.

But the thing that separates gold from other investments is its ability to actually be possessed by an investor. Stocks, bonds and other "paper" investments are nothing more than electronic records kept on hard drives in computers. At the end of the day your investment is nothing more than a PROMISE to deliver money at your request. A promise, as many investors have found out in recent years, that cannot always be kept.

 A gold coin, gold currency or a gold bar, however, can be kept in your possession and actually USED AS REAL MONEY if needed. Or it can be sold or traded for a profit. It is the purest form of "real money" in the history of the world and is universally recognized everywhere. This portability, combined with hundreds of years of stability makes investing in gold the single smartest move an investor can make.

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